Posted by: Dana | May 1, 2009

no comparisions

When we realize we are judging someone else, we can realize we are not in a place where God settles down. We take our cue from the Trinity.

A scene you will not see…

“Hey Jesus, look at my abs. I am really getting a six pack, don’t you think?”

“You, da’ man, God the Father! (though you are a non-physical reality) Really getting pumped!” “Whoa! What was that? Holy Spirit, was that you again?!”

“Got you, Jesus! You are never gonna be quick as me! You don’t know when I’m coming or when I’m going…”

Or something like that.

Jonathan Christopher, of Stuff Christians Like, had this to say on his Facebook this morning.

Jonathan Christopher Getting cocky about doing what you were created to do is like bragging about your natural eye color.

